“Chapters” is a four volume project which chronicles the journey I’ve been on through pain and loss to hope, new life and everything inbetween.
It’s the story of losing alot of who I thought I was only to find the unfolding truth of who I am wrapped in God’s love.
These songs & chapters will roll out one by one!

Chapter 1
“Ruin and Revival” is the part of the story where things got rough. I found myself losing most of who I thought I was only to discover more of who I really am.

Chapter 2
“The Road Home” is the story of coming home to the embrace of a loving God who is our Father. Seeing who He really is gave my heart new perspective that poured out in a few simple songs featured on this project.

Chapter 3
“Pain and Promise” is a reflection on the way God and faith found me in the midst of pain, fear and shame. It’s unreal how He comes right into our messiest places just to be the answer to it all.

Chapter 4
“Revealed in Love” explores the discovery that there’s more to all of us and anything is possible when we’re found in Him.