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If you long for deeper intimacy…


Discover True Worth

Encompassing many different facets with God.


My Passion

Wholeness. Feeling connected to yourself and others and discovering the power that lives within you to overcome the obstacles that life throws at us. Emotional clarity and balance. Freedom from lies…

Yup, I think that sums it up!

To know we are accepted and loved is the foundation for living in wholeness and abundance. Love is the only thing that casts out fear and the experience of being loved is the only thing that will bring us out of hiding.

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“Chapters”, is a four volume project through pain and lost to hope.

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Explore the Book

If you long for a deeper intimacy with God, this book is a journey into the heart.

Explore the Book

Faith-Based Emotional Health, Unburdening our Souls and Trusting God

Desert Seasons

No one plans for a hard season in life.   They come out of nowhere often brought on by an unexpected change or loss in life. In them, we can feel directionless, unmotivated, emotionally or spiritually dry or just stuck.   For believers, Gods promises can no longer feel real when we are in a […]

Unburdening our Souls and Trusting God

Trusting Love

I went on a trip over seas recently that stretched me. My journey would require me to get on a plane seven times. Flying has often been something I’ve struggled with in life. Something about the whole thing strikes up nervousness and fear in my heart. I have determined not to let fear stop me […]

Faith-Based Emotional Health

Shifting Focus: Overcoming Fear by Changing How We See

Recently I faced a health issue that knocked me down for a couple weeks. In the worst of it, my body felt so weak I was unsure if I was going to be okay. It’s in moments like these our prayers get real simple, “God help!”. On one particular morning a phrase in an email […]

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