What is Worship?: From Distant Deity to Closest Love

What is Worship?: From Distant Deity to Closest Love


What makes for healthy relationship?


When we think of our closest relationships what words come to mind to describe their most ideal state?


Trusting; intimate; safe; secure; accepting; loving; supportive; understanding; brings out the best in us; encouraging etc.


I think it’s interesting  that we recognize these things as what makes for good relationship on a human level but it seems we fail to apply them to our relationship with God. As I’ve travelled and led worship in different places I’ve come to recognize something about this. In certain places there is a marked intimacy with God which translates into freedom and openness in the people attending the gathering. In other places, I have experienced a locked-down or locked-up sense which feels like insecurity and fear in the worship. Though people are praising sincerely there seems to be a disconnect somewhere that creates a distance from God.


I believe the difference has to do with our understanding of God’s welcoming nature towards us. The bible actually uses very intimate words to describe the way God sees us.

  • Sons and daughters (2 Cor. 6:18)
  • Friends (John 15:15)
  • Brothers of Christ (Heb.2:11)
  • The Bride (Eph.5:22-33)


Looking back through history to ancient times though, the god’s have always been seen as something to be feared and appeased by different means. There is something in humanity which believes that a deity would rather keep their distance from us. God was viewed the same way which is what made Him so radical in His adoption of the nation of Israel foreshadowing His adoption of all who believe. He always wanted family and has revealed His desire through His pursuit of relationship with humanity recorded in the bible.


Yet, we can still struggle when it comes to worship. Perhaps we believe we have been out of His presence and are trying to find a way back in? This is a lie. Our revelation of His welcome towards us needs to increase and ironically that comes best by spending time with Him in worship with or without music.


The revelation is He isn’t tolerating you or me: He wants us


My heart is to see our gatherings become more and more intimate as we grow in revelation of His heart for us. This is what He has been at work doing in me for the past several years and I can tell you there is a direct correlation between receiving the truth of His welcome and being open to intimacy with Him.


To receive in the bible simply means to “make room”.


Let’s make room in our hearts and draw nearer to Him today.



If intimacy has been a struggle for you, you can pray something like this in your heart to God;

“Father show me how you feel about me. Bring me into the truth of Your love and reveal any lies I am believing about this. I want to be close to you and receive Your welcome. You want to be close to me I believe it. Thank you.”

Let Him lead you in whatever words come to Your heart after this. Feel free  – He loves to hear you.

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