Why Journaling?


Journaling is an amazing tool which can aid in many areas of our spiritual walk and development. In journaling, we can learn how to quiet ourselves and, in that serenity, hear the thoughts of God speaking to us. This contemplative approach allows us to access both our own brokenness and His healing in our hearts.


  1. A Written Record. Journaling is ultimately writing out our dialogue with God. By utilizing journaling, we do not need to be so afraid of miss-interpretation or whether or not we are really hearing God. We can go back and discern what we have written with Holy Spirit instead of stopping the initial flow.
  2. Access to our hearts. Our brains like to control matters most of the time but God speaks primarily to our hearts. Journaling keeps our minds occupied while letting us access and hear the voice of God speaking within.
  3. Limits inaccuracy. We tend to interpret what we think God is saying too quickly. Journaling allows us to freely write without the pressure of interpretation which gives time for us to connect with what God is saying and go back to it after with the clarity His Spirit provides.
  4. Deepened relationship. Journaling can posture our hearts to encounter God and increase our awareness of Him in our lives.
  5. Clarity. When stressful situations or emotional pressures arise, turning to journaling can help us “vent” out all that we are experiencing and gain perspective through hearing how God sees what we’re going through. Stuffing our emotions will not work well long term. They need to be aloud to come out and be processed in light od God’s truth, a process journaling can greatly enhance.

(Lists adapted from, “Dialogue with God: Opening the Door to two way prayer: by Mark and Patti Virkler.)


As with all revelation from God utilizing “safeguards” can give us clarity and confidence that we have truly heard His voice in order to walk in closer relationship with Him. Some of these include:

  • Being willing to submit all revelation to the authority of the Word of God. This doesn’t mean you’ll have a direct scripture for everything but what you feel you are hearing should line up with the truths found in the bible.
  • Being willing to walk in relationship with the Body of Christ and the counsellors God God gives us. Take your revelation to others in order to discern what you are hearing and be willing to receive correction or re-direction from their wisdom.
  • Ensure all revelation is leading you to gather wholeness in your own life as well as in relationship with others.

Becoming Quiet Enough to Journal

It can be a challenge to get ourselves settled enough to really connect with our hearts and prepare ourselves for dialogue with God. Here are a few tips for utilizing this vital tool:

  • Be comfortable but alert. If you are uncomfortable you will become too focused on how your body feels to really relax. This is not meant to be a test of endurance it’s actually the complete opposite – a test of rest! However, if you are too comfortable the possibility of falling asleep or zoning out may become reality. Find a place and position in which you feel very comfortable but also alert enough to write.
  • External distractions: find somewhere quiet and as distraction free as possible in order to allow you to be able to settle enough to begin to write out what is going on inside you. Turn off your phone for your allotted journaling time or any other devices that seek to draw your attention.
  • Internal distractions (this is probably the hardest). Our internal voice can be very condemning when it isn’t connected to the heart of Father God. The to-do list, your own unrealistic expectations of yourself and any lingering condemnation or shame can try to convince you from within you should not be taking this time for yourself. A trick to handling the to-do list popping up in your mind is not to ignore it this will only cause it to become louder. Simply make a note somewhere else and continue writing. This way you will not be distracted by worry over forgetting to do whatever it is your being reminded of doing
    • If you are hearing the voice of condemnation that may be something to take to God first off in your journaling. You may have a nagging thought reminding you of some failure or weakness inn your life. Condemnation will only drive you from God’s presence not to Him. Release any failures or mistakes to God by being honest with Him and asking His forgiveness. Remember 1 John 1:9 ensures us that He will forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. At this point you must focus on His view of you that you are righteous in Christ (Galatians 3:2). Ask God to show you the truth about how He sees you.
  • Utilize soft music. Studies show that music can help us to calm down and connect with God through biblical meditation. I like to use “soaking” worship music that does not contain lyrics but any music you find that doesn’t distract you from journaling is great.

God Wants to Talk to You!

He created  you for relationship and journaling is a great way to experience more encounter with Him in your daily life. Pick up a journal that inspires you, find a quiet place where you can focus and begin to write out your prayer to God. Ask Him questions, wait for and record His answers. Believe in His desire to meet with you!

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