God Timing: A Hidden Cause of Disappointment with God

God Timing: A Hidden Cause of Disappointment with God

Unburdening our Souls and Trusting God

God, why didn’t you come through?

Ever been on this end of the conversation with God? There was an expectation of something we were believing for. We had the promises lined up for it, “ask and you will receive”, and yet it didn’t happen.

So now, not only did He not come through; He broke a promise.

Or did he?

I have been asking God for a few things to come together in my life (okay let’s be real, I have been nagging God for a few things in my life for a while). Though I believe that scripture does encourage us to “ask and believe” I recently read a post by well-known leader of an inner healing ministry, Yvonne Martinez, which dramatically shifted the way I see this. She discuss’ the difference between “expectancy” and “expectation” stating, “Expectation limits our hope to how we specifically expect his answer to be… expectancy allows us to keep our faith in Whom he is rather than how he manifests His nature in our lives.”

Wow! I realized just how true this is.

In many areas I framed my requests within a certain timeline, or scenario, and when they didn’t come through as expected, I became disappointed. I then wandered around wondering if God even hears me believing that I must be alone etc.

I had my faith set on a specific outcome rather than in who he is.

Part of this relates to a trust problem. We think God needs specifics because we don’t really trust him to bring an answer to our request in a way that is best for us. Or, we struggle to trust that he will meet our needs so we lay out a map for him showing how to do it.

However, every dream, every need, every promise, every unanswered prayer is an opportunity for us to learn who he is.

He is our Father.

Waiting for a promise is a journey into our Father’s heart for us.

The more we get to know him the less we’ll assume a delayed answer is a sign he isn’t going to come through for us.

I just received word that one of the things I’ve been asking and waiting for is about to happen!

Here’s the thing though:

It’s long after the deadline I had set for it and it’s not at all in the way or place that I was expecting.

However, it is SO MUCH BETTER!!

He is who he says he is. We just have to check our expectations and interpretations to find where the gap in our faith in who he is lies.

I am so thankful, now, that he didn’t give me what I wanted!

He hears you and He’s listening.

He cares about your desires and situation.

He’s involved and moving.

He will not fail.

It just may look different than what you’ve been expecting.

Take some time to let your heart come to rest in His presence. Be honest and tell him how it feels; what you’re afraid of and what you need.

He’s present and attentive. Here is a scripture that really gives me strength while I wait. Maybe it will do the same for you:

“Don’t give up; don’t be impatient; be entwined as one with the Lord. Be brave and courageous, and never lose hope. Yes, keep on waiting – for he will never disappoint you!” (Ps.27:14 TPT)

We’re in this together!

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